Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4 - First day back to work

Chaos! What else would it be :-) But I got up super early and did the first workout, then made breakfast, lunch, and dinner - ate breakfast - then went and did my cardio. Then quickly showered and off to work. Did the ICP at lunch as I then don't sweat too much. Came home, changed and quickly finished with the last workout! And yes yes yes - done for today!

Now I'm trying to figure out how to do 3 days at the hospital. Food & workouts. I'm going to take fruit and nuts, make some chicken salad for tomorrow then I'm kind of stuck? Maybe I'll be a fruit/nutcake by the time the 3 days is over! :-)

I'm thinking also I will sneak in my hand weights and then when no one is looking get down on the floor and do the workouts. We can't leave the room because our son will be in the burn ward and you can't go in and out.

Also something is really giving my stomach a problem. Lemon juice? Fish oil? or Yogurt? I'm thinking it is one of those OR it is just the elimination diet WORKING a bit too hard! Hopefully this stops soon.

Any suggestions for take along meals that don't require fridge or microwave? I'd appreciate any help! If I can make it thru the next 3 days then I can make it thru anything.

My dear husband said to me tonight: "Do you want a nice glass of red wine?" I said: "No thank you". He said: "Well one way or another I'll get you to break your diet soon." Now WHAT is that about????


  1. Magnesium can cause diarrhea if you take too much. Don't know if/how much you are taking.

    Diet sabauteurs, got to love 'em. So hard to accept that someone you care about is changing in a big way. Change can be pretty scary, especially if you feel your life is out of your control already.

  2. Melissa - Funny you should say that! Just as I was about to take my 2 magnesium tablets I had a major bathroom attack. I came back, took only 1, then thought - HEY maybe it is THOSE causing the problem. I'm stopping them after tonight if this doesn't stop. Thanks for the feedback - at least I know my thoughts weren't too off base.

  3. I agree with Melissa's take on the diet sabateurs. I am so sorry your hubby is not on board. Makes it difficult. But, if you are stubborn, can be quite a motivation factor! The old 'I'll prove you wrong!' idea! LOL! Just let it fuel you!

    Maybe you could make up some soup to take in a thermos. That might be a break from chicken salad. Sorry your son is in the hospital. It is so stressful to see them hurting. Will be thinking of you the next few days! Hugs!

  4. I applaud your dedication to the program!

    Your wrote: "Well one way or another I'll get you to break your diet soon." Now WHAT is that about????

    It's about him being a selfish jerk. Again, I want to smack him...
