Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 9 - 3 times bad luck?

I woke today in a good enough spirit and my thigh and calf seemed better (but not perfect) - so I kept my workouts to a slightly lower tempo. Still having MAJOR indigestion and I'm thinking it is the fish oil. I'm leaving that off tomorrow and the next day and seeing what happens. But the extra carbs today helped my appetite some (at least the food tasted good) - but I could still only manage around 1.000 calories for the whole day. Weird.

On a more personal note, the condition I'm in is just ridiculous. I'm appalled at myself. My son weighs between 50 - 60 pounds (25 kilo) and he is a 'dead weight' to carry. Imagine carrying a sack of dog food, for example, that weighed 50 pounds. Now imagine the sack fighting against you - throwing itself backwards, kicking, squirming to get down, etc. We have to lift my son continuously - but especially this last week because he has a sprained foot - thanks to our fall down the stairs. Needless to say - this is back breaking. Our 28 year old handicapped helper has been in twice for problems with her back and shoulders due to carrying and lifting him. I'm 44 and in CRAP shape and also had a herniated disk 2 years ago - so I'm really up a creek. My husband is way overweight also - but he is physically strong - THANK GOD - even though he is 52. So the lifting, carrying, etc. is down to him - which is a big burden (and no I have not forgotten yesterday but objectivity is a must here).

Anyway - this is one of my motivations for doing this program - to be in good enough shape to lift him without killing myself.

So yesterday, (like the universe is conspiring against me), I hurt my thigh doing the exercises (strike one - but I was back and fighting today). Today, I have to move my office upstairs because my son's new bed (appx 6 feet tall and 6 feet long with bars all around and padding too for when he falls) is going to go in downstairs. I wasn't about to ask my husband for help - so when I was taking apart my desk - which has a top section on it - I lifted the top section off myself and OUCHHHHHH my back! (strike two) So I tried ice for a while. But I only had one exercise left for the day - and I'm sure these exercises ARE going to make me stronger so I decided to try it. (ICP) Anyway - I was taking it easy and it was going well. Then I went to sit on the exercise ball for the last exercise of the whole set - the shoulder press sitting on the ball. I sat back and the ball rolled backwards. I went flying backwards also, got my left big toe caught underneath me and fell backwards on my butt and back. (strike three)

The toe is not broken - which is good because our entire island (which is BIG) is closed due to snow. The back is aching. The thigh and calf are better. Relationship - we have spoken about 5 words all day - my choice. I'm not angry but I just don't want to go there if you know what I mean.

Anyway - a carb day today and so hopefully that gives me some energy for tomorrow because I have my son for 1/2 day by myself tomorrow. Don't get me wrong - I love to be with him. But the lifting him and carrying him worries me - especially after our fall down the stairs. Plus now he has a huge bit mitt on his hand that was operated and a sprained foot (same side) - so he is more or less totally wheelchair bound or has to be lifted to his high chair, changing table, etc. And if he doesn't WANT to be lifted - well then that makes it even more fun :-).

But I'm getting stronger everyday - I can feel it. And one of these days it isn't going to kill me to lift him. And one of these days I am going to manage those stupid spiderman exercises! Hopefully my 3 strikes are up and tomorrow will be a GREAT day.

P.S. Still no cheating on my diet - that's why I don't mention it much. Not being hungry has it's benefits!


  1. Great job Kelly, making the most of a bad situation! If you are seriously injured, though get the rest you need, or you'll be out of commission longer.

  2. Thanks Melissa - I'm off to do Meltdown. Some days I have to rearrange my exercises a bit to get them all in - hopefully that isn't have a huge impact. My toe is killing me but I think that won't have any effect except on cardio where I think I'll have to do the bike today instead of walking. I hope you have a wonderful day!
