Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 14 - HELP Please!

In case I am too stressed and crazy in the morning doing last minute packing, I have a big favor to ask someone. (I have asked Dax but he hasn't replied)

I will be in China from Sunday - and I won't be able to blog or see blogs due to their firewall restrictions. Could someone please email me the newest pdf workout? I can get email no problem. I would really, really appreciate it. Also - if there is any change to the eating plan.

Thank you so much! My email is womanatmidlife (at)


  1. Hey, Kelly! I will send it to you! No worries! Have a safe trip!

  2. Hi - thank you! I have managed to arrive in Malaysia (night time here) - and can see everything now - but that will change on Sunday when I go to China. They have their own rules - so all help is appreciated :-). I'm looking forward to measuring tomorrow after all the water retention from the plane goes down. I ate only my own food and ignored the drinks and food that everyone else had - and it went well. Hard but ok.

  3. Good for you, Kelly!! Enjoy your trip!

  4. Welcome to SE Asia!
