Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 16 - The fat woman in the gym

Yeah - that was me! I know people are looking - thinking "What is SHE doing here?" "Who is she kidding?" etc.

But then I try to remind myself of the 18/40/60 rule. At 18, you are worried what everyone is thinking about you. At 40, you don't give a darn what everyone thinks about you. At 60, you realise no one was even thinking about you.

So - based on that - I'm ignoring the looks. I enjoyed great food today - protein, fresh fruits, and veg. No problems sticking to the diet although I'm a bit unsure of some of the seasonings but I can't get around that. Tomorrow will be harder with low carb again - and I'm flying to China tomorrow with very little food in my bag besides nuts. That will have to do :-)

Thank you all for the support! My home life hasn't improved and my husband and I haven't talked since I left. (I have emailed him my flight details - that is it) We'll see if these few weeks away give us a fresh perspective. But for sure - the one thing I am focused on is that I am going to finish this 30 days - and then 30 more after that!

If I'm lucky I can see the blog in China - but I'm kind of doubting it - and I will miss it :-( but it is a good test anyway. I look forward to see what changes we should make next week!

Good luck all!


  1. Way to go, Kelly! Your determination is AWESOME! Focusing on yourself is plenty to do without thinking about what others are doing! Keep doing what you need to do and it will all fall into place! Have fun in China! Hugs!

  2. Hi Kelly,
    just realized that the woman at midlife is the Kelly from the Dax site, I didn't make the connection until now! Too funny. Sorry to hear that the homelife is not much better, but I sure hope you have fun in China and gain a new perspective on life. Hope you are well!

  3. I thin it's awesome that you're going to the gym! Congratulations! Most people wouldn't have the courage. Well done!
